This charming bouquet goes with everyday moments, like breakfast, lunch and dinner...but can get all dressed up as long-stemmed roses for fancier times. Hand-painted green leafy napkin-rings-to-coasters turn 17" Square napkins into rosas or willy-nilly lilies. Made of easy-care spun poly in ivory/ivory stitching makes this the napkin that goes with literally everything. No-iron, stain-resistant napkins; best to treat questionable stains with a dab of Shout or laundry detergent prior to washing for very best results.
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Everyday bouquet
These are lovely and such a beautiful, practical gift. One bouquet was for a 50th Anniversary so I placed it in a clear vase and tied it with gold ribbon.
Everyday bouquet
Unique and lovely. Can’t wait to give this as a gift. I would love to receive this as a gift myself.